YAER Group
yaergroup.com is YAER’s official online shopping store for overseas markets. Here customers can have a more comprehensive understanding of our products and trends. You can place an order directly on our shop page, and then track the status of your order and apply for after-sales service on the my account page. At the same time, you are welcome to provide feedback on our products and make useful suggestions.
YAER is an expert in refrigeration. We are located in a very large China’s refrigeration base, which has a strong production and supply chain. On the basis of freezers, we have developed some new products, such as some refrigerated ice cream gelato popsicle trolleys (carts), bikes, tricycles, yogurt machines, food carts (iFoodCart), and some other refrigerators.
We have a dream that is to help our customers to have better products at reasonable prices without wasting time. First of all, we pursue the sturdiness and durability of our products, and we promise that all models can be used for more than 10 years. Secondly, we pursue beauty and perfect details, and we will not let go of every place that can be improved. On the premise of ensuring quality, we will lower the price for you as much as possible to reduce clients’ cost.

Our team
Design, technology, production, global sales, each project we have dedicated experts, they all have at least 10 years of work experience in their respective fields, they are very professional and respected in China.
The work of everyone here is valued and respected. They enjoy their current work, they are happy to provide customers with the best products and services.