Yaer Group


The brands of compressor we use:

  • Donper compressor: used on 220v 50hz freezers.
  • Donfoss / Embraco compressor: used on 220v, 50hz and 110v 60hz freezers.
  • Qingan compressor: used on battery freezers.

Only famous brand compressors with pretty good and stable quality can be our supplier. They all have a huge number of installed machines in China and around the world. All compressor quality can be guaranteed


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Contact Us

Company: Henan Yaer Machinery Co., Ltd.

Address: Liangyuan, Shangqiu, Henan, China. 476000

Phone: +86 155 1701 6832

Email: info@yaergroup.com

Considering that the COVID-19 epidemic is not completely over and China’s epidemic prevention policy, we have no offline exhibition activities recently.

We may attend offline exhibitions in October 2023 or 2024.
Thank you for your attention!