Different ice cream trays
Gelato pans



1/4pan: 265*165*100 (mm); 3L
1/3pan: 325*176*100 (mm); 4.3L
1/3pan-EU: 360*165*120 (mm); 5L
Material: stainless steel
*** every two 1/4pans can be replaced by one 1/3pan-EU.
Gelato tubs

tub 1

tub 2

tub 3
tub 1 (diameter*width): 200*110 (mm); 2.5L
tub 2 (diameter*width): 200*150 (mm); 3L
tub 3 (diameter*width): 220*135 (mm); 3.7L
Material: stainless steel
Popsicle stand

popsicle stand 1

popsicle stand 2
Popsicle stand 1: 265*165*50 (mm). This one is the default.
Popsicle stand 2: 570*330*50 (mm)
Material: PMMA
Customized cutout

holes for pans

holes for tubs
Cutout: customized dimension.
We cut the plate according to your pan or tub dimension. You just need to put your pans or tubs on the holes.
No trays

no trays

no trays
No trays: If you want an empty freezer box (no trays), just take the trays out.